The ear is one of the special sence organs of the body which enables us to hear, it is also concerned with the sence of balance. It is usual to consider the ear under three divisions.
                            The external ear which stands off from the head and acts as a collector and reciever of air waves. This is called the auricle. It is so shaped that it can bring the sound waves to the passage or external meters which leads from outside to the middle ear. At the further end of this passage, is the ear drum which is set in motion when sound waves strike on to it. It vibrates and by its vibrations the waves are conveyed across a tiny space behind the drum called the middle ear. It is used to be taught that the sound vibrations were covered across the middle ear by the three little bones called ossels of the ear. The malleus,incus,stapes, it is no w considered more propabal. How ever that these orseus have a damping effect upon violant sound. Vibrations and does serve as a protection to the inner ear from two violant noise. 
                                        The most important organ of hearing is the eternal ear. The cocelea is a essential organ without which hearing cannot take place. It sense the vibrations on to the hearing centre in the brain, where they are received and interprited by the understanding.